Making change one donation at a time.

Our Initiatives

Spreading Awareness

Within just a few years, Venezuela has gone from a figurehead of democracy and development within South America to a nation riddled with poverty, corruption, and hunger. Despite this rapid transformation, with rural parts of the country being brought back to pre-industrial levels of economic development, the domestic conflict has not reached the same level of international awareness as other crises; awareness that is desperately needed for change to take place. The Maduro regime has blocked freedoms to the press and the US has attempted to mitigate the impacts of their own sanctions. As such, a vital part of The Venezuela Project’s initiative is to spread information, streamline donations to organizations that can give a voice to those who are silenced, and increase awareness of the current humanitarian catastrophe.


Immediate Aid

Venezuela is an oil-dependent nation. As such, large portions of their economic sectors are dedicated to oil production. As a result, instead of fostering other necessary sectors such as agriculture, Venezuela trades oil for basic necessities such as food and medicine, with over 80% of the nation’s food being imported from other countries. However, due to mismanagement, corruption, and international sanctions on Venezuelan trade, thos food and medicine imports have fallen 60% since last year alone. As a result, it is estimated that Venezuela is currently facing a famine that could result in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. The time for aid is now. The Venezuela Project partners with local and international charities to ensure that basic educational, hygienic, and health needs are met within Venezuela.


Long Term Reform

Sanctions from the United States on Venezuela has restricted their normal flow of trade. Moreover, Maduro, the so-called president of Venezuela, in many cases has refused to accept foreign aid. As a result, awareness and direct aid can only do so much to substantively change the living conditions of the average Venezuelan citizen. For that reason long term reform is needed. This means protecting political prisoners rights to fair trials, fighting for free and fair elections within Venezuela, lobbying the US government to reduce and more accurately target their sanctions, and more. In the status quo, future generations are guaranteed to be stunted as they suffer from a lack of food, eduction, etc. For Venezuela to return to it’s status of a true democracy, and to help and save the lives of the generations to come, long term reform is needed.
